Our latest project, starting in April of 2024 is the bleak puppetry film “An Absence of Everything” written by Katherine Orozco-Verderber, and based on concepts developed by Julio Martinez and Michael Verderber.

The depressing work focuses on a man dealing with tackling his survivor’s guilt. He is taunted by a spectral entity who antagonizes the man through the duration of the short film.


Written by Katherine Orozco-Verderber
Concepts by Julio Martinez and Michael Verderber

Direction by Michael Verderber and Julio Martinez

MAN – Daniel Rodriguez

PUPPET – Nick Trevino

Stage Manager – Sally Guzman

Puppeteers – Katherine Orozco-Verderber, Nick Trevino

First read-thru with Trevino as PUPPET, Rodriguez as MAN and Orozco-Verderber practices puppeteering.
